The Fortress Hill Club & FTC Alliance 炮臺薈、炮天同盟
🌇涵蓋範圍🏙炮台山、天后、堡壘街區、和富道、寶馬山、大坑、摩頓臺、銅鑼灣其他地區、海外炮台山人、海外炮天銅人(注意:炮臺薈、炮天銅盟並非「北角區」社群)🌆Coverage🌃Fortress Hill, Tin Hau, Fort Street, Wharf Road, Braemar Hill, Tai Hang, Moreton Terrace, other neighbourhoods of Causeway Bay district, Overseas Fortresshillians, Overseas Tinhauese & Overseas Causewaybayians皇都戲院、油街實現、森記圖書、七海商場、AIA、寧靜小街、美食雲集、特色小店,講起炮台山,又會令您諗起啲咩嘢呢😍呢度係屬於炮台山友嘅小天地🏖歡迎大家在此👇🏻暢所欲言🗽分享🧸交流🤝聯誼👥守望相助💝答問🤖求助🆘買賣🛍舊物轉贈♻️Freecycle♻️🚫但謝絕各種形式嘅洗版🚫🇬🇧English and Speakers Welcomed🇺🇸As a diverse community, the Fortress Hill area is inhabited by people of numerous nationalities, ethnicities and backgrounds. Even though the majority of posts and discussions might be held in Cantonese, we are more than happy to have non-Cantonese speaking Fortresshillians joining the crowd. Please don’t hesitate to leave a message if you need any assistance or translation.🗣 所有以個人名義張貼之內容🗣✅只反映發帖者及討論參與者之個人意見✅❎並不代表炮臺薈之官方立場❎⚠️所有非本區之轉贈、回收、環保、買賣及招聘等活動⚠️❗️必須事先獲得任何一位Admin或Moderator之許可‼️並且必須加註「Off Topic」以兹識別‼️⚠️注意事項⚠️1️⃣ 炮臺薈歡迎個人分享廣告宣傳
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789 成員